NAME: BackProp

SYNOPSIS: BackProp [options] Net Input


 The BackProp command is the main training program of the NICO toolkit, implementing the standard back-propagation through time algorithm with restart and momentum term. The argument "Net" is the newtork to be trained and "Input" is either the basename of the datafiles used in the simulation (default) or with the -S option "Input" is the name of a script file holding one basename per row.

The options -V, -v, -D and -C, are used to dynamically control the gain parameter of the backpropagation training. If a -v or -V option is specified, then the validation set is used for the control, otherwise we simply use the training set. The -D and -C options specify the scheeme for the gain control.


-S This option changes the interpretation of the argument "Input". With the -S option specified, the training data is taken from external files with the basenames taken from the rows of the script file "Input". Otherwize "Input" is itself a basename. In any case, the streams of the network read/write data from files specified by the basename together with the information about file extension and directory in each stream (see the Streams section). 
-s from to  Select connections. If No -s option is specified, all connections in the network is updated during the back-prop training, but if one or more -s options are present, only those connections specified by the "from" and "to" arguments are updated. "from" and "to" can be groups or units and all connections from all units in or under "from" to all units in or under "to" are selected. 
-g gain  Gain of the weight updating. The default value of "gain" is 1e-3, but the optimal value of this parameter is very task dependendent. 
-m moment  Momentum of the weight updating. The default value of "moment" is 0.9, but the optimal value of this parameter is task dependendent. 
-w factor Weight decay factor. 
-f freq  The argument "freq" is the updating frequency. It means that weights are updated every "freq" time-points. It also means that the backpropagation computation of the gradient is restarted every "freq" time-points. This introduces a deviation from the true gradient. The default value is the maximum time-delay of the network plus one. 
-F min max  This option is the same as the -f option except the weight updating is done after a random (square distr.) number of frames between "min" and "max". 
-E  The -E option makes BackProp run in epoch updating mode. I.e., weight updating takes place only after all data hve been processed. 
-p file  Specify a filename for training progress report. After every epoch, statistics about the training is printed to "file". This option is useful when big training sessions are run and it is desirable to monitor the progress of the training. The network is saved after each epoch, so it is possible to terminate a training session and use the network in it's current state. 
-. Use dots in the progress file to indicate that a bunch of files have been processed. This can be useful with large data sets if you would like to get some indication that the training is actually progressing inside an epoch.
-P file m n  Like the -p option, but here the updating frequency of the progress report file and the network file are specified. The "m" argument specifies the updating frequency (in epochs) of the progress report and the "n" argument specifies the updating frequency (in epochs) of the actual network. This could be useful in small experiments where you could run a large number of epochs. 
-i N  Number of epochs. "N" is the maximum number of epoch before termination. The default value is 100. 
-V set stream  This option is useful for classification networks. "set" is a script file with one basename of datafiles per row. The datafiles of this set should be different from the training datafiles specified by "Input". The "stream" argument specifies the output classification stream with one component for each class. After each epoch, the classification performance on this validation set is computed and reported in the progress report file. By monitoring this performance during the training, it is possible to terminate when the network is starting to "over-learn" the training data. 
-v set stream (general case) Same as -V above, but in this case we do not assume that the output is of the type 1-of-N classification, instead the global error of the validation set is used.
-D acc decay Multiply gain with 'decay' after epochs where the validation set's global error is not improved, otherwize multiply by acc. The value of decay should be 0-1, and the value of acc should be >1.
-C decay num Multiply gain with 'decay' after epochs where the validation set's global error is not improved, but maximum 'num' times.
-e error  An optional termination criterion can be specified by the -e option. When the global error of all training sapmles falls below "error" the training is terminated. 
-d  By default the set of files needed by all streams, given one particular basename are loaded from external memory when they are needed. This means that the data needs to be read from disc once every epoch. If this is too slow and if the primary memory is big enoug to hold all external data, the -d option should be chosen as it forces all external data to be read only once and stored in primary memory for fast access.

 NormStream, SetPlast, KickNet