NAME: NormStream

SYNOPSIS: NormStream [options] Net [Input]


The NormStream command is used to set coefficients of the linear transformation between external data and input/output units activation (see the Streams section). The 'Input' argument is optional only with the -0 and -c options.


-S This option changes the interpretation of the argument "Input". With the -S option specified, the training data is taken from external files with the basenames taken from the rows of the script file "Input". Otherwize "Input" is itself a basename. In any case, the streams of the network read/write data from files specified by the basename together with the information about file extension and directory in each stream (see the Streams section).
-s stream Process 'stream'. By default, all output streams are normalized, but this option aloows you to specify particular streams. There can be any number of -s options on the command line.
-d mult By defalt, NormStream scans the training-data for the highest and the lowest value for each component of the stream. Then it sets up the linear transformation so that these values are mapped -1 and +1. This normalization is obviously sensitive to the extreme values and therefore it is sometimes better to use this option that normalizes based on the mean and standard deviation. "mean - mult * stddev" is mapped to -1 and "mean + mult * stddev" is mapped to +1.
-0 Reset the linear transformation of selected streams to the identity mapping.
-c a b Set the coeficients of the linear transformation to 'a' and 'b' for all components of all selected streams.

