Units are one of the basic building blocks
in a neural network. Every unit has, at each point in time, an activation
value. In the NICO toolkit the activation is a real number. Some units,
the input units, have their activation determined by external data (see
the Streams section) or by the environment (see below). The activations
of all other units except mutiplication units are computed by the following
net = / w a ; a = f( net )
i --- ji j i i
Where aj is the activation unit
j and wji is the connection weight from unit j to unit i. The
function f is different for different types of units. The NICO toolkit
supports several different unit types:
Linear units -- the identity function (f(x)=x)
Tanhyp units -- f(x) = tanhyp(x)
Arctan units -- f(x) = arctan(x)
Sigmoid units -- f(x) = 1 / (1 - exp(-x))
Exponential units f(x) = exp(x)
Inverter units f(x) = 1/x
Multiplication units compute their activation
value by:
a = || a
i.e., independent of the connection weights.
This is the syntax for the function that
creates units:
USAGE: AddUnit [options] Name Net
Option Default
-u number Add multiple unnamed units. 'Name' is the parent (off)
-S File Add multiple named units, 'Name' is the parent (off)
-i Add input unit (hidden)
-o Add output unit (hidden)
-s Add tanhyp unit (default)
-t Add arctan unit (tanhyp)
-l Add linear unit (tanhyp)
-f Add filefilter unit (tanhyp)
-e Add environment unit (tanhyp)
-r float Bound on random init of bias (0.10)
Layers of units
The most common use of AddUnit is to add a
set of units as members of a group. This is done with the -u option. For
AddUnit -u17 my_group my_net.rtdnn
adds 17 unnamed units to the group "my_group"
in the network "my_net.rtdnn".
Units optionally have names in the NICO
toolkit. This is useful if a unit have some special function in the network.
Then this individual unit can be referred to in, for example, connection
commands, or it can be individually selected for output in the Excite command.
The following command adds one unit named "Charlie" to the network:
AddUnit Charlie my_net.rtdnn
Special purpose unit types
The activity of an environment unit
depends on the system environment variable with the name of the unit. For
example, the command:
AddUnit -e MYSWITCH my_net.rtdnn
adds an environment unit that is dependent
on the environment variable MYSWITCH. If the value of the environment variable
is numerical, it is copied to the unit's activation. Otherwize the activation
is 1.0 for defined variables and 0.0 for undefined variables.
A filefilter unit gets the activation
1.0 if the unit's name is a substring of the base name of the current external
data file. Oterwize the unit's activation is 0.0. This can be useful if
the datafiles have names that indicates special properties of the data.
In speech applications for example, the speakers identity is often coded
by a few letters or a number in the filename.
All networks have a special-purpose unit
with name bias. The bias unit always have activation 1.0. and units
are by default connected to this unit when they are created (except input,
filefilter and environment units). The -r option controls this connection.
The connection strength is a square distributed random variable. The option:
-rX, specifies the range of this varible to [-X; +X]. If the option is
given with a zero argument (-r0.0) the connetion is not created at all.
Other primitive unit types
Most unit types can be selected by the switches
of the AddUnit command. However, a few types can only be selected by the
SetType command. The SetType command can also be used to change the error
function of output units. The syntax is:
USAGE: SetType [option] Unit Net
Option Default
-o Change to an output unit (off)
-n Change to a non-output unit (off)
-i Change to an input unit (off)
-O efun Change to an output unit with specified error function
efun = ('0/1' L2, L4, L10, 'abs', 'cross0/1'
'interact', 'cross' or 'noerr' (off)
-t Change to a tanhyp unit (off)
-a Change to an arctan unit (off)
-s Change to a sigmoid unit (off)
-l Change to a linear unit (off)
-m Change to a multiplication unit (off)
-d Change to a inverter (1/x) unit (off)
-x Change to a exponential e(x) unit (off)
-e Change to a environment unit (off)
-f Change to a filefilter unit (off)
Complex unit types
By combining the primitive unit types supported
by the tool-kit, many other complex units can be created. For example,
a unit that is the square of another unit's activation can easily be constructed.
Let's say we have a unit called "x" in the network "my_net.rtdnn". The
following commands creates a new unit "x2" that is the square of "x".
AddUnit -r0 -l tmp my_net.rtdnn
Connect -w1.0 x tmp my_net.rtdnn
AddUnit -r0 x2 my_net.rtdnn
SetType -m x2 my_net.rtdnn
Connect -w1.0 x x2 my_net.rtdnn
Connect -w1.0 tmp x2 my_net.rtdnn
In the same spirit, we can construct a group
of units with the softmax activation function (this example requires
understanding of groups, expalined in the groups
section ). Let's say we need a group of five softmax units called softmax.
The following commands creates two groups, the first, called input, has
five exponential units that should be connected to, and the second group,
called output, has five multiplication units that have the softmax activation
AddGroup input my_net.rtdnn
AddUnit -u5 input my_net.rtdnn
SetType -x input my_net.rtdnn
AddGroup output my_net.rtdnn
AddUnit -u5 output my_net.rtdnn
SetType -m output my_net.rtdnn
AddUnit softsum my_net.rtdnn
SetType -d softsum my_net.rtdnn
Connect -w1.0 input softsum my_net.rtdnn
Connect -w1.0 softsum output my_net.rtdnn
Pipe -w1.0 input output my_net.rtdnn
The unit "softsum" computes the sum of all
units in the input group and inverts (1/x) this sum. The multiplication
units in the group "output" then normalizes the activations by multiplying
with the activity of "softsum". Using concepts explained in the groups
section we finish our softmax example by encapsulating it in a supergroup
called softmax.
AddGroup softmax my_net.rtdnn
AddGroup internal my_net.rtdnn
Move internal network softmax my_net.rtdnn
Move input network softmax my_net.rtdnn
Move output network softmax my_net.rtdnn
Move softsum network softmax.internal my_net.rtdnn
Protect -P softmax.internal my_net.rtdnn
Protect -R softmax.input my_net.rtdnn
Protect -S softmax.output my_net.rtdnn
Now the group "softmax" can be treated as
a group with one single layer of softmax units.