NAME: SetType

SYNOPSIS: SetType [option] Unit Net


Set the type of non-linearity and, for output units, the error function for units. Also the fundamental type (input, hidden or output) can be changed. The type of 'Unit' is changed to the the type specified by the options below. 'Unit' can be a single unit or a group. In the the case of a group, all units in and under it are affected by the command. For a description of the different unit-types, see the Units section of this manual.


-o Change to an output unit
-n Change to a hidden unit
-i Change to an input unit
-O efun Change to an output unit with specified error function.
efun = ('0/1' L2, L4, L10, 'abs', 'cross', 'cross0/1'
L2 is the normal mean square error.
0/1 is like L2 but altered near 0 and 1 to be used for classification networks when the targets are not 0 and 1, e.g. 0.1 and 0.9.
cross is the cross entropy error function.
cross0/1 is the cross entropy error function altered the same way as 0/1.
L4 and L10 are higer order errors similar to L2.
abs is the absolute error.
-s Change to a sigmoid unit
-t Change to a tanhyp unit.
-a Change to an arctan unit.
-l Change to a linear unit (no nonlinearity).
-m Change to a multiplication unit.
-d Change to a inverter unit (1/x).
-x Change to an exponential unit exp(x).
-e Change to a environment unit. An environment unit takes its activation value from the environment variable in the system shell with the same name as the unit (see the Units section).
-f Change to a filefilter unit. A filefilter unit takes the activation value 1.0 if its name is a substring of the basename of the current datafiles read by the streams (see the Units section)..

