NAME: Pipe

SYNOPSIS: Pipe [options] Source Target Net


Creates a "pipe" between the units of group 'Source' and 'Target', i.e., unit number i of 'Target' is connected with unit number i of 'Source'. If the group 'Target' already exists in the network, it must have the same number of units as the group 'Source'. If it doesn't exist it is created and the correct number of units (linear) is added to it.

The Pipe command can be used to create a new group of linear units that has activities that are equal to those of the source group (if the target units are linear and you use the option: -w 1.0).

Another use of this command is to create selfloop connections for all units in a group (set Source = Target and use the -d or -D options) without creating all the recurrent interconnections that the Connect command would create.


-d delay Delays connections "delay" time-units, where "delay" is a positive or negative integer. A negative time-delay is a look-ahead. Look-ahead connections are allowed in the NICO tolkit as long as no unit's activation depends on the same unit's activation at present or future times.
-D low high Use this option to create a window of dynamic connections for the "To" units. Connections with all time-delays from "low" to "high" are created.
-r bound By default, the connection weights are initialized by a square distributed random number R[-0.1;0.1]. This option controls the min. and max. values of the distibution (R[-bound;bound]).
-w weight Change the default 1.0 connection weight to the number 'weight'.
-p plast Set plastictity of created connections. The default plasticity is 0.0, which is different from the normal default 1.0.

