NAME: Lab2Targ

SYNOPSIS: Lab2Targ [options] LabelListFile InputSize InputFile


The command Lab2Targ converts phonetic label files to activation target values in a file format that can be read by streams of a network. The names of the phonemes and their order is specified by the file: 'LabelListFile', a text file with one phoneme name per row. When Lab2Targ reads a label file, it compares the labels of the label file with the phoneme names. If the label is found, the respective target value is set to 1.0 for all frames covered by that phoneme. All other targets get the value 0.0. Use the same file 'LabelListFile' when creating the output units of the network to be sure that the phonemes are in the right order (see the -S option of the AddUnit command). The number of target values per frame is given by the number of rows in 'LabelListFile', but to create a target file, the command also needs to know the number of frames of the utterance. Therefore you need to give the datafile of one arbitrary other stream of the network (for example an input stream) and the size of this stream. That's the arguments 'InputSize' and 'InputFile'. Typically, you use the Melfib command to create the input feature files first and then run this command to create the output targets. In that case, 'InputSize' is the number of filters and InputFile is the filterbank feature file. Following the convention of the toolkit, all data files for the same utterance have the same basename the filename of the created target file is constructed from 'InputFile'.


-S This option changes the interpretation of the argument 'InputFile'. With the -S option specified, the inputfiles are taken from file names from the rows of the script file 'InputFile'. Otherwize 'InputFile' is itself a filename.
-x ext Sets the file extension for output target files. The default extension is: "targ".
-d dir Sets the directory for output target files. The default is the current directory.
-q ext Specifies the file extension for label files. The default extension is: "lab".
-p dir Specifies the directory for label files. The default is the current directory.
-Q ext Specifies the file extension for input files (no default extension).
-P dir Specifies the directory for input files. The default is the current directory.

Options for fileformats
-F format Sets output format for target files. 'format' is: binary, ascii, htk, etc.). See the reference section File formats for details and a complete list of supported parameter file formats.
-L format Specifies label file format. 'format' is: mix, htk, etc.). See the reference section File formats for details and a complete list of supported label file formats.
-I format Specifies file format of input files. 'format' is: binary, ascii, htk, etc.). See the reference section File formats for details and a complete list of supported parameter file formats.

Options specifying target generation
-e win Suspend normal target generation and generate instead a parameter file with only one target per frame that's 1.0 at segment borders 0.0 in the interior of segments and 0.5 in windows centered ar borders. The windows have their width specified by 'win' in frames.
-f matrix Suspend normal target generation and generate instead a feature representation of the phonemes. the translation from phoneme to features is given by the file 'matrix' with one row per phoneme and the target values specified by the values respective row, i.e., the number of features is equal to the number of columns of the matrix.
-i label Implicit label. If, for a frame, no target is > 0.5, then the phoneme with name 'label' is implicitly "on" and gets the target 1.0 (or the value given by the -1 option).
-D num Delay all targets 'num' frames.
-1 high Value for phonemes that are "on". The default is 1.0.
-0 low Value for phonemes that are "off". The default is 0.0.
-l scale Label time scale (samples/frame). The default is 160, corresponding to a sample rate of 16kHz and a frame step of 10 ms.
-o offset Label time offset (samples). Can be used to shift phoneme boundaries if the feature representation is not correctly aligned (if frames don't start at the correct sample). Should not be necessary if Melfib is used.