NAME: Excite

SYNOPSIS: Excite [options] Net Input


Excite is the main command for running trained networks. The output can be printed in many formats controlled by the options below. The basename of input/output datafiles is given by 'Input' (but see the -S option). The output from Excite is by default written to a file with that same basename and extension "act".


-S This option changes the interpretation of the argument "Input". With the -S option specified, data is taken from external files with the basenames taken from the rows of the script file "Input". Otherwize "Input" is itself a basename. In any case, the streams of the network read/write data from files specified by the basename together with the information about file extension and directory in each stream (see the Streams section).
-x ext Specify the extension output files (default: "act").
-d dir Specify the directory for writing output files (default: current directory).
-m object Mark an object (a group or a single unit) for viewing. The activities of the unit or the units in and under the group will be used for output.
-e View the error gradients of the activities insted of the activities themselves. Can be used to view how the errors propagate in the network.
-w 'Winner takes all', highest activity =1.0, others =0.0
-b N For each frame, show the names of the N highest output units.
-c Add a column, counting framenumber. The same as the unix command nl.
-B The default is to print values of activites in a text format. This option forces instead a simple binary format (4 byte floats).
-X stream Output the values of a stream's components instead of unit's activities.
-n freq Print a line with the names of the units every 'freq' frames.
-h Select high (6 figures) resolution.
-T level Trace level -- controls the amount of information printed (default 0).


CResult, FResult, PResult