NAME: Barkfib

SYNOPSIS: Barkfib [options] audiofile


Extract filterbank features from an audio file. Bark, mel or linear scaling can be chosen. The filters are implemented using triangular windows on the short-time FFT amplitude spectrum. By setting the "-m" switch, and selecting HTK output format with "-O htk", parameter files compatible with the HTK toolkit can be generated.


-S  This option changes the interpretation of the argument "audiofile". With the -S option specified, the audio data is taken from files from the rows of the script file "audiofile". Otherwize "audiofile" is itself a filename. 
-T level  Level of output printed to stdout. 'level' is 1, 2 or 3 and the default is 0. 
-F format  Specifies audio file format. See the Streams reference section for a list of audio file formats. 
-x ext  Sets the file extension for output feature files. The default extension is: "fib". 
-d ext  Sets the directory for output feature files. The default is the current directory. 
-q ext  Specifies the file extension of input files (no default value). 
-p dir  Specifies the directory of input files (no default value). 
-O format  Sets the output file format of the extracted parameter files. The default format is "binary". See the Streams reference section for a list of parameter file formats. 
-c N  Output cepstrum coefficients instead of the filterbank activities. The default is to start with the 1st cepstrum coefficient. But the zeroth coefficient can be outputted if the -0 option is specified. 
-0  Include the 0th cepstrum coefficient. This option can only be used together with the -c option. 
-L lift  Apply cepstrum liftering to the cepstrum coefficients with lifting parameter 'lift'. effective only together with the -c option. 
-m Use Mel scale instead of the default Bark scale. 
-r tau Subtract average mean cepstrum from the parameters. "tau" is a parameter controlling the time constant of the moving average computation. Reasonable values are between zero and one. 
Options specifying the filterbank characteristics
-e  Add log energy as the last parameter of the feature vector. 
-n num_filters  Specifies the number of filters. The default is 16. 
-R floor ceiling  Specifies the lower and upper cut frequencies of the filterbank. The default is 0-8000 Hz, i.e., 'c' = 0 and 'f' = 8000 . 
-P c  Apply pre emphasis to the input speech data with coefficient 'c'. The default is c=0.97. 
-l length  Set frame length in ms. The default is 10 ms. 
-w length  Set analyze window length in ms. By experience we know that this length should be longer than the frame length. The default is 25 ms. 
Options used to complement/override the file header information
-h size  Specifies the size of the audio file header. 
-f sample-freq  Specify the sample frequency of the input audio data. The default is 16kHz if not specified in the file header. 
-b  Swap the byte order of the input data. 

 Cepitch, MakeCep, MakeDiff


 The "-a" switch is still experimental.