NAME: AddUnit

SYNOPSIS: AddUnit [options] Name Net


The default operation of this command is to add one new unit to a network. However, the most common use is to add a number of unnamed units to a group (-u option) or to add a number of named units to a group (-S option). If none of the -u or -S options are used, the created new unit gets the name of the "Name" argument and is made a member of the root group "network".


-u N This option is used to create a vector of unnamed units (a layer). The argument "N" is the length of the vector (number of unnamed units created) and the argument "Name" is in this case NOT the name of the created units but the name of the group to put the N new units in. For example, "CreateUnit -u 7 a_layer my_net.rtdnn" creates 7 new unnamed units and they will be members of the group "a_layer".
-S File This option is used to create a vector of named units, typically an ouput or an input layer of units where the meaning of each unit is known. The argument "File" is the filename of a file containing one unit-name per row The argument "Name" is in this case NOT the name of the created units but the name of the group to put the new units in.
-i Create input unit(s). Input units get their activation clamped by external data. If an input unit is not linked to a stream, it's activation undefined (see LinkGroup, LinkUnit). The default is to add hidden units.
-o Create output unit(s). The activations of output units are copied to the external data array if the units are linked to a stream (see LinkGroup, LinkUnit). The default is to add hidden units.
-s Specify the activation function to be sigmoid. This is the 1/(1+exp(x)) funtion with range [0;1]. The NICO toolkit is not optimized for this function. In most cases the default tanhyp activation function is better.
-t Specify the activation function to be arctan. The arctan function is less "flat" than the tanhyp and the sigmoid funtions and could therefore lead to faster training. Experimantal.
-l Specify the activation function to be the identity function f(x)=x. This type of units is used to implement liner transforms (see MakeDiff, MakeCep).
-f Add filefilter unit(s). Filefilter units take the activation 1.0 if the unit's name is a substring of the basename of the current datafiles. Otherwize they take the activation 0.0.
-e Add environment unit(s). The activation of an environment unit is specified by a shell variable. If the value of the shell variable with the name of the unit is defined and numerical, the value is copied to the units activation. Otherwize if the variable is defined, the activation is set to 1.0 and if the variable is undefined the activation is set to 0.0.
-r bound This option controls the connection from the bias unit to created units. By default, this connection is made and the connection weight is a square distributed random variable R[-0.1;0.1]. Setting the argument "bound" to 0.0 prevents the connection from beeing made, and any other value specifies a new distribution (R[-bound;bound]).


SetType, SetPlast, SetPrune, Connect, LinkUnit