NAME: AddGroup

SYNOPSIS: AddGroup [options] Group Net


Adds a new group to a network. The argument "Group" specifies the name of the created group. The group is made a member of the root group "network".


-u N This option is used to create a vector of groups. The argument "N" is the length of the vector (number of unnamed groups created) and the argument "Group" is in this case NOT the name of the created groups but the name of the supergroup to put the N new groups in. For example, "CreateGroup -u 7 a_vector my_net.rtdnn" creates 7 new unnamed groups and they will be members of the group "a_vector". Because the created groups are unnamed they must in subsequent commands be referred to using the #-syntax. For example, "Display a_vector#5 my_net.rtdnn", displays info about the 5th subgroup of "a_vector".


AddUnit, AddStream, LinkGroup, Protect, Move NormGroup